Task Venture Capital GmbH is proud to announce our new initiative to open source the majority of our software. This strategic move is designed to support our portfolio startups by providing them with a robust, collaborative, and obstacle-free technological foundation, fostering innovation and ensuring seamless growth.

Empowering Startups with Open Source Software

At Task Venture Capital GmbH, we believe in the power of open source to drive innovation and collaboration. By open sourcing most of our software, we aim to provide our portfolio startups with access to cutting-edge technology without the constraints of proprietary licenses. This approach ensures that startups can freely use, modify, and distribute the software, facilitating their growth and development.

Removing Obstacles to Exits with Open Licenses

One of the significant advantages of our open source initiative is the elimination of licensing barriers that can complicate future exits or acquisitions. By ensuring that our tech stack is governed by open licenses, we remove potential obstacles that might arise from proprietary software dependencies. This transparency and flexibility make it easier for startups to attract investors, negotiate exits, and scale their operations without legal and financial constraints.

Harnessing Symbiotic Effects and Collaboration

Open source fosters a collaborative environment where multiple startups can contribute to and benefit from shared technology. By leveraging a common platform, our portfolio companies can collaborate on feature development, bug fixes, and improvements, accelerating innovation and reducing redundant efforts. This symbiotic relationship enhances the overall quality of the software and ensures that all startups can benefit from the collective expertise and resources of the community.

Building a Shared Platform for Innovation

Our open source strategy includes creating a shared platform where startups can collaborate on key features and technologies. This platform will serve as a hub for innovation, enabling startups to share ideas, code, and best practices. By pooling resources and knowledge, we can create a vibrant ecosystem that supports rapid development and deployment of new features, ultimately benefiting all our portfolio companies.

A Commitment to the Open Source Community

Task Venture Capital GmbH is committed to being an active participant in the open source community. We will contribute to existing projects, engage with the community, and foster an environment of transparency and collaboration. Our goal is to not only support our portfolio startups but also to contribute to the broader open source ecosystem, driving technological advancement and innovation.

Looking Forward

Our decision to open source most of our software is a testament to our commitment to fostering innovation, collaboration, and growth within our portfolio. We believe that this initiative will provide our startups with the tools they need to succeed, while also contributing to the broader tech community.

Checkout our code at https://code.foss.global

For more information about our open source initiative and how it supports our portfolio startups, please visit our website or contact our media relations team.